Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti

The images are haunting aren't they? I'm sure that most of you, like me, have felt such sorrow for the people of Haiti. It's hard to even wrap your mind around this kind of devastation, but it's real. There are real people... precious people, who are living a nightmare right now with no medical care, no water, no food, nothing to illuminate the darkness of night, no way of bringing comfort to their children, no way of finding lost loved ones.... hopelessness.
But as we sit in our comfortable homes in front of our computer screens we CAN DO SOMETHING!!
1. PRAY!!!! We need to beseech the throne of God on behalf of these hurting people. We need to ask him to pour out his mercy on them and to meet their needs. This situation seems completely hopeless by human standards BUT God is mightier!
Isaiah 41:17 says "The poor and the needy search for water, but there is none. Their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them. I will not forsake them!!"

2. GIVE!! There are so many reputable ministries that are already established in Haiti. They already have staff there that is ready to move and be the "hands and feet of Jesus."
Compassion International is already ministering to thousands of children in Haiti.
Samaritan's Purse has been working in Haiti for over 30 years. Right now they are already on the ground providing water and 6,000 temporary shelters for the families displaced by this earthquake. Samaritan's Purse wants to do more (check out Franklin Graham's video on the website to hear the specifics of what they're doing), but they need all the monetary help they can get.

I found myself just praying for this little boy all day today after seeing his picture. Look at his eyes! May Jesus heal his body and bring him peace.
Here at "Deal"ightfulsavings we've committed to donate $0.20 to Samaritan's Purse for every comment that is left on this post. And HERE is why we love Samaritan's Purse. They have already gotten planes into the country with medical supplies. This post was written by missionaries about 24 hours after the quake happened. Their blog is great!

So Leave Us a Comment by midnight tonight!!!


Becki said...

What a great idea! Thanks for posting the links so we can donate, too. Those pictures are haunting - especially the little boy.

Aunty Jill said...

Thanks for all you're doing!

Deb ~ Frugal Living And Having Fun said...

Please come link up $ .25/per link

coupongeek said...

My hubby and are donating $.50 per link/comment to the Salvation Army Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund (up to $500)

Jaycie - Coupon Geek

j2burk said...

Thanks for all you're doing! My husband and I are donating the money we have saved on groceries this month to Compassion International. Though it doesn't seem like much to me, every bit helps.

Sixth Cents Savings said...

My husband and I are donating an for each person who post on my blog

Rachel said...

Thanks for doing this! God bless you!

Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

I'm donating a $1 for every blog link, and .30 cents per comment.

deal queen said...

We are donating $1,600 plus a box of Godiva to a lucky joyful giver. Stop by my blog and link

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Thank you for what you're doing! I'm donating to Compassion - including 25 cents per comment on my blog!

Megan said...

We donated through Thank you!

Kim said...

We are donating 50 cents per comment and link! Thank you for spreading the word!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kindness to Haiti's people during this crisis.

Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

hope in a jar. I am donating my change jar.

Saving 4 My Family said...

We donated $50 to Project Hope and $10 to the Red Cross.

Jana said...

Thanks for all you're doing!!

Andrea said...

I've already texted to the Red Cross, and am donating items to a friend who is collecting, along w. a $ contribution to the Red Cross that will be matched by hubby's company.

MamaX5 said...

We're donating through our church's humanitarian fund.

Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy said...

I blogged about donating $1 per comment/link.

Anonymous said...

We're giving to Compassion International. I've also heard good things about Cure, so we'll be looking into that. Thanks for doing this!

Jill Foley said...

We are giving to Compassion International.

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

As I go through the blogosphere today, I amazed at the generous and concerned people I find. Praise the Lord!
Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
Our church also took and sent contributions in.
My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!

Heather said...

You can see how I donated & am praying here:
Thank you!

sweetsuelv said...

I am donating to the red cross and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints humanitarian aid. I am also posting a comment on all the blogs that are donating. Most importantly we will be praying for the people of Haiti. Thanks

Karen said...

We're giving $25 to missionaries already in Haiti. Here's my post

Alicia said...

I blogged about what we're doing to help at:

Jessica-MomForHim said...

Thanks so much for doing this. WE also love Samaritans Purse and I think I will do something similar on my blog. Great idea!

Frugal Friend said...

We're donating to Compassion Int'l.

Lindsey Swinborne said...

Awesome! Thanks for giving!

marybeth at said...

BabyGoodBuys is donating $10/$1 for every link left.

Maggie said...

Thank you for doing this. My husband and I donated through Samaritan's Purse. And now I'm clicking to comment on every site I can...every little bit helps!

Coupon Teacher said...

$.25 per link/comment

Tiffany said...

Due to our financial situation, I am visiting as many blogs as possible and commenting to help raise donations. Bless you for not only helping but providing a way for everyone to help too!

Tony and Heather Snyder said...

Thank you for all you are doing. Wee are giving to the Red Cross

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing this - it's a great way to boost aid going to Haiti. We've donated to the Red Cross, and I'm visiting blogs to help out more.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for doing this. We are making a donation to the Salvation Army.

Leigha said...

We're donating to the Florida Baptist Convention Haiti disaster relief fund.

E said...

Thank you!!

LaVonne said...

Great job! Thanks for helping. Here is my blog post how I helped:

Jennette said...

We gave to Red Cross via txt and YeleHaiti via txt. Thanks for your efforts!

Lora said...

We have already given to Compassion International and I'm hoping we can find some other ways to give.

Jennifer said...

We're donating items of immediate need to the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti:

Star Seeker said... To The Least of These. Donated to ADRA

Anonymous said...

My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.

Anonymous said...

I gave to Oxfam and Episcopal Relief and Development.

Anonymous said...

We donated 50 dollars to Redcross.

Brecken said...

I decided to donate to 'Doctors without Borders.' Thanks for all you are doing!!

Jennifer said...

Giving 0.30/comment to Numana, Inc. (hunger relief). Come on over!

Twin Mommas said...

Thank you for helping to spread the word!

Heather L. said...

Thanks for donating!

Anonymous said...

My family donated to Samaritan's Purse and Compassion International.

Summer said...

I'm giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!

Robyn said...

We donated to Catholic Relief Services which goes directly to Haiti, and my 6 year old son wants to donate the charity portion of his allowance to Haiti. God bless you, you're doing a great thing!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Thank you for linking up! :D Blessings!

Unknown said...

We gave to CrossWorld International and are praying.

Lee @ BountynSavings said...

Hi, thanks! I'm also doing the same thing at my blog!

Heidi said...

Thanks for all that your doing!

CC said...

here's my post!

Jenna @ Newlyweds said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I pray for all the Haiti people. I am also donating $1.00 for every comment on my blog.

Skooks said...

Anonymous said...

SwagGrabber posted a deal about a $40 subscription for 40 issues of All You the other day, just wanted to share. Only $1 per issue but then $10 of that $40 goes to Haitian Relief, which makes it even less and helps a good cause.