Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Boudreaux's Butt Paste Review

Boudreaux's Butt Paste

When my oldest was a baby (2001) my mom came to visit and brought me this big tub of stuff that she had found in LA where she works.  I laughed when I saw the label..."Boudreaux's Butt Paste"!  I humored her and used it on his diaper area and LOVED the stuff! At that time we couldn't find it in any stores in the MD/PA area, so a friend would give me money when I went to MS so that I could bring it back for her!  We were thrilled when a few years later it was shelves everywhere!

Boudreaux's Butt Paste
I already knew that I loved the original Butt Paste, so I was anxious to try the new All Natural Paste.  I have a 16 month-old  who is still in diapers and I will honestly say that we have never had trouble with diaper rash.  Until last week.  I think a stomach bug hit our house and boy was it bad.  Poor little guy was getting his diaper chaned 2-3 time an hour and nothing was going to stop the blisters on the bottom :(

I immediately pulled out the Boudreaux's All Natural Butt Paste and put it to the test.  It was wonderful!!  It is a white-color but rubs in clear, and it is easy to wipe off of your hands with a wipee.  I coated his diaper area before bed, and by the next morning the rash had almost disappeared!
It was funny b/c the next day he brought the tube of paste over to me so that I could put more on--so even he likes it, too!
Both Original and All Natural Butt Paste contain the active ingredient of 16% Zinc Oxide, but the All Natural also includes:
Aloe Vera, Beeswax, Carnauba Wax, Castor Oil, Citric Acid, Peruvian Balsam Oil, and more!!

Boudreaux's Butt Paste sells for $5.99 and can be found here.
Thanks, Bouedreaux's for the opportunity to review your Butt Paste!

*This is a Mama Buzz review and all products were provided free for review purposes.

1 comment:

Sean said...

I like that product too but I have to tell you after numerous rashes with Reese our youngest, corn starch has worked wonders for us!