Sunday, November 6, 2011

Changes are coming.....

Some big changes are in the works here at!

To start with, on Monday, November 7, 2011 (at midnight) we will no longer be a "dot com." We will be switching back to a blogspot address.

So that means you will no longer be able to find us at you will have to log onto to find our blog.

We have also decided to start blogging about LOCAL DEALS only. That means we will no longer be posting the match-ups for any drug stores since you can find all that information on the other big blogs. We will also not be posting about grocery store deals because you can find most of those deals on (we love her)!! We would encourage you to use the links on the right hand side of the blog and at the top of the blog to find all the deals that you need. We will continue to post about awesome deals we find locally, but we will no longer be posting daily. We both have a desire to spend a little more time with our families and a little less time blogging.

Make sure you "like" us on Facebook. Facebook is a much quicker and more efficient way for us to communicate with you, so we are going to be primarily posting deals on our facebook page! Head over HERE to "like" us!

Millicent & Judy

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