Friday, April 2, 2010

Kmart Doubles EVENT April 4th-10th

Kmart is having it's double coupon event starting this coming Sunday. During this event Kmart will double a coupon up to $2.00. That means a $2.00 coupon will double to $4.00!!! This means lots of FREE items.
BUT as those of you who have participated in a doubles event before know, Kmart is rather disorganized. They make up lots of rules and then sometimes change the rules halfway through. So if you can handle a little bit of hassle, you can probably score some great deals.

Kmart has a new rule this time around...You have to have a "Shop Your Way Rewards" card. You can sign up for this card at any register or at the service desk. You can also sign up online, but you probably won't get your rewards card in time for the upcoming event. So sign up IN THE STORE.
The Rules:
1. You must have a ShopYourWay Rewards card. The cashier must swipe this card AT THE BEGINNING of your transaction!
2. They will NOT double any Kmart coupons.
3. They will only double manufacturer coupons up to $2.00!!!
4. Kmart will only double (5) coupons per day. You can use more than (5) coupons, but only the first five will be doubled.
5. ??In previous double events you had to spend a minimum amount per transaction, I haven't heard yet if there is a minimum amount you have so spend???? Just be aware that it could happen or it might just be one of those rules that each store makes up on their own.
My Suggestion:
Since Kmart doesn't have a great track record with coupons... I would suggest that you go to the service desk as soon as you walk in the door of Kmart. Ask the person at the service desk what the rules for the doubles event are. Sometimes it's a little different at each store, so just ask before you end up loading your cart with stuff that in the end they might not let you use coupons on. And sign up for a rewards card right at the service desk. Don't wait until you're checking out with a line of people behind you!
The Deals:
Stayfree Pads $4.00 Use $2.00/1 from the 3/28 RP
Reach Dental Floss $1.49-$1.69 Use $1.00 from 3/07 RP
Softscrub Total $2.99 Use the $1.50 from 3/07 RP
Bic Silky Touch 10 pk $3.49 Use the $2.00 from 3/28 SS
Right Guard Total Defense $2.50 printable HERE
Coupons that might make good deals:
Always Infinity Price Unknown Use $2.00 from 3/07 PG
Gillette Body Wash Price Unknown Use $2.00 from3/07 PG
Trojan Condoms Price Unknown Use $2.00 from 2/07 SS
Dentyne Gum Price Unknown Use $1.50 from 2/28 SS
Millstone Coffee Price Unknown Use $2.00 from 3/14 RP
Okay, so that's the latest right now!!! We'll be back with more updates as we hear more. PLEASE leave a comment if you know of other good coupon deals. And make sure you leave a comment telling us about your Kmart shopping experience!!

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