If you live near Hagerstown, Maryland you don't want to miss the upcoming Kid's Stuff yard sale! It's the best yard sale in our area and it usually takes place twice a year (Spring and Fall). This is a great way to shop for baby items, kids clothes and all kinds of kid/baby gear and toys.
You don't want to miss it!
May 22, 2010
Volvo Powertrain parking lot
13302 Pennsylvania Ave.
7:00 am
I was at Rite Aid on Sunday and the register would NOT accept the BOGO Cover Girl coupon on the BOGO sale....let me know if anyone has had this work?
I know it work the last sale and the manager even told me she didn't know why it wasn't working this time, but I could call corporate and find out. :(
michele...what product were you buying? foundation?
techinically the coupon is good for foundations only. If that's what you were buying then she should have pushed it through. Sometimes the Olay foundations don't work.
I used the cover Girl BOGO coupons at two different Rite Aids today. I only bought foundation b/c I didn't want to have any issues and I wanted to be honest. Head to the Rite Aid on Route 30 in Chambersburg for a great selection and no problems using your coupon.
I used the BOGO coupons on foundation, concealer, blush, and eyeshadow. They told me that it worked on anything that you use on your face (so no nail polish). I didn't have a problem with the coupons, but I was told that some foundations are causing a problem - not sure which ones.
Yes, I was using it on the foundation only (as pictured on the Q) @ the Waynesboro Rite Aid. The manager advised they were not able to force it.
I didn't know it was only for foundation and the girl already knew there was a problem, I bought eye liner, blush, mascara and eye shadow but ended up paying $3.50? for the mascara...I had my children with me so we moved on. I'm totally happy with that!
ok, so I went to Wboro tonight. I asked the manager as soon as I walked in and she said that they had been having trouble with the coupon not working and that it is now fixed. I asked if it was only good for foundation and she said anything makeup except the simply ageless foundation--it wasn't working.
I find that things can vary quite a bit by store, and by manager. I always enjoy going in the wboro rite aid at night :)
Not so lucky today...last night I scored two more coupons and got mascara today but when we tried to ring up blush, it wouldn't work. I did not try foundations but I still have the coupon so I might go back! The rite aid offer excludes lash blast and some other mascaras, which was why I paid $3.50 yesterday. (Still discounted from orig. $8.99!)
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